On-Demand Webinar

Town Hall: Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act

The “Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act” is a crucial piece of legislation aimed at improving healthcare access for children traveling across state lines. Introduced by lead sponsors Sen. Chuck Grassley, Sen. Michael Bennet, Rep. Lori Trahan, and Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, the Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act simplifies out-of-state Medicaid screening and enrollment processes for pediatric care providers while retaining key safeguards to preserve the integrity of the program.

Children with complex medical conditions cannot always secure specialized care in their home states. When this happens, parents must work with their in-state providers and Medicaid officials to identify out-of-state providers who offer that care. This process is riddled with regulatory hurdles that often delay and sometimes prohibit children from receiving critical medical treatments. The Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act alleviates these burdens for families and providers by facilitating coordination across state lines and clarifying the process by which state Medicaid programs can cover specialized treatment regardless of where the child lives and where their care is received.

This event was co-hosted by the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the National Brain Tumor Society. During this 90-minute Town Hall, you will hear from Sen. Grassley, clinicians, families and legislative staff.

To join us in advocating for this critical piece of legislation, fill out our advocacy interest form below. By uniting our voices, spreading awareness, and advocating for legislation like this, we can shape a better future for children with brain tumors, survivors, and their families.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation’s federal and state-wide advocacy initiatives, email Mike Henry, the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation’s Director of Advocacy, at [email protected].

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