Life After a Brain Tumor Diagnosis

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When a child finishes treatment for a brain tumor, the journey has only begun. It’s important for parents, caregivers, and survivors to plan for the months and years ahead.


Transitioning to Adulthood

When a child finishes treatment for a brain tumor, the journey has only begun. There are several changes your child and family will experience over time, and it's important to plan for them.

Transitions are about change, about moving from one time in life to another. For children diagnosed with brain cancer, these changes can include transitioning from being on treatment to being off treatment, from being a patient to being a survivor, a child to a teen, or a teen to a young adult. Survivors may also transition from their parents making most of their medical decisions to becoming an active partner in those decisions.

Transition planning is a phrase your child’s healthcare team may use. It means getting ready for these changes and is an important part of life after treatment. This includes older survivors moving from getting medical care from doctors who treat children and teens to doctors who treat adults. It may also mean moving out of high school to whatever comes next.

Everyone faces challenges as they grow up, but these challenges may be more complicated when you’ve survived a brain tumor.

Becoming an adult is a major milestone for pediatric brain tumor survivors and their families. It's also the start of a new journey with a new set of challenges. We've partnered with survivorship experts and families to develop a guidebook to help you along the way.


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Pediatric Brain Tumors Shouldn’t Be Ignored Because They're Uncomfortable to Talk About

Pediatric Brain Tumors Shouldn’t Be Ignored Because They're Uncomfortable to Talk About

My brain tumor experience is something I think about every day of my life, but the outside world likes to erase that and pretend it didn’t happen. It’s too “taboo” or “uncomfortable.” So, this year, on the 7th anniversary of my surgery, I want to talk about it.

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