Support for Families

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Uber Voucher Program

At the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, we understand the overwhelming travel burden faced by families following a pediatric brain tumor diagnosis. Beyond the initial treatment, families must navigate frequent trips for MRIs, radiation, physical therapy, and specialist appointments, often leading to financial strain. In addition to this initial travel burden, pediatric brain tumor survivors face a lifetime of health challenges, often requiring ongoing care and transportation support.

Thanks to the support of Uber Business, the PBTF is launching an Uber Voucher Program. The goal of the program is to reduce this burden by providing transportation assistance through Uber vouchers, ensuring families can access critical care without the added stress of travel costs. In addition, we aim to improve health outcomes and quality of life by supporting survivors’ independence and facilitating reliable access to appointments.

Application criteria:

  • Patient/Survivor any age from 0-29 years of age.
  • Applications may come from family, care team members or a PBTF staff member.
  • This program is separate from the Butterfly Fund emergency financial assistance program and usage in Butterfly Fund does not preclude a family from applying for Uber Vouchers.
  • Primary family members must have a working email they can receive the Uber Vouchers at.  They must also have an active Uber account with their own debit/credit card attached.  This program is 100% digital only.
  • Uber Vouchers can be requested in the amount of $50 or $100 for Uber Ride Vouchers and $50 or $100 for Uber Eats Vouchers.  These are two separate vouchers and requests.
  • Patient/Survivor must be able to provide proof of appointment or need if application is coming from the family or individual patient/survivor and not a care team member.
  • The need is a direct result of the brain tumor diagnosis, treatment, or effects within survivorship.

Expenses considered for funding:

The Uber Voucher credits may be used for one or more of the following:

  • Regular MRIs
  • PT, OT or other therapy appointments
  • Radiation or chemotherapy treatments
  • Other medical appointments
  • Mental health appointments
  • Out of state travel expenses related to treatment
  • Survivor transportation to school, job training, or employment
  • Other expenses considered with special approval
  • Uber Eats vouchers are available exclusively for families who are experiencing food insecurity due to having a child who is either currently inpatient or receiving daily medical treatment out of their home state.

Approval Process:

  • Families can reapply for additional vouchers if necessary.  Maximum amount per quarter per family is $300.  Approval is based on need and program funding and is not guaranteed.
  • For a family to receive additional vouchers, their subsequent voucher(s) must first be used in its entirety.
  • Vouchers are available for primary parents/caregivers or survivors only and will only be given to one person per household.
  • Applications are processed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  If immediate assistance is needed outside of these days, reach out to the Family Support team at [email protected].
  • Vouchers will be available for use for 14 days.  At that time, any unused funds will no longer be available for use by the families.

Please complete the form below to apply for an Uber voucher. Final approval of submitted applications and determination of Uber Vouchers shall rest with PBTF, under the established guidelines above. If you have any questions, reach out to the Family Support Team at [email protected] or 800-253-6530.

Please note: The Uber Voucher Program is a corporate partnership with Uber Business, subject to change, modifications or discontinuance without prior notice, as deemed necessary by the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.  PBTF has no responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties with respect to; a) the actions or inaction of Providers who render rideshare and other services through this Program, including, but not limited to, any action taken by such Providers based on their perceived or actual legal or ethical obligations to report to legal authorities or other third-parties information obtained during the course of providing services as a part of the Program; b) the information provided by the Providers in any form, whether printed or electronic; c) the quality or outcome of services provided through this Program. 


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